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By Suzy (

Chicken Soup and Wild Dogs

(Outside of Kelly's. Nikolas is just getting off the phone.)

Gia: Lucky, I hope.

Nikolas: No my Aunt's answering machine. Just playing
phone tag.

Gia: Yeah Whatever, I could teach you to keep your
relatives happy without having to actually speaking to

Nikolas: Well obviously you're coming from experience.

Gia: A message a day kept my mother at bay, I breezed
through the summer on that one and tonight I am
relying on chicken soup and if that doesn't work then
I'll try pasta.

Nikolas: So um how are you getting to the hospital?

Gia: (rolling her eyes) Limo.

Nikolas: Oh really, who's?

Gia: Good point mines in the shop.

Nikolas: Well I'll drop you off

Gia: Um, I'm fine with walking.

Nikolas: In the dark?

Gia: Well that's what street lights are for.

Nikolas: Well then great. Well have a nice hike.

Gia: You know on the other hand if you're desperate.
for company

Nikolas: No, no I'm not.

Gia: The problem with this soup it could make me a
target for wild dogs.

Nikolas: Yeah and I just pity those dogs.

Gia glares

Nikolas: Come on I'll drive you.


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